A Conversation for The Wally's Games Room

Wally Games Room:- make up a sentance within 5 words!

Post 1

AngelicWitch (ACE)

Welcome Wallies! Here is a new task, to make a full sentance with only five words at a time!

Here we go X:0)


Wally Games Room:- make up a sentance within 5 words!

Post 2

AngelicWitch (ACE)

So lately been wondering if..

Wally Games Room:- make up a sentance within 5 words!

Post 3

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

Thanks for helping andrea smiley - ok


I have done the right

Wally Games Room:- make up a sentance within 5 words!

Post 4

AngelicWitch (ACE)

yes you have sian thanks

Wally Games Room:- make up a sentance within 5 words!

Post 5

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

a lot you're the best smiley - biggrin

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