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Wallys games room: Guess what in 20 questions

Post 1


Hello and welcome to the game of Guess What in 20 questions. 20 questions are allowed to be asked by however many people in order to guess what I have in mind. I'm only allowed to answer yes or no. At any point you feel you know the answer please say so, if correct it will be your turn. A maximum of 3 clues can be given by me, please ask if you wish to have one.

One rule....during each game...can people number the questions accordingly smiley - biggrin

Off we go. To give you a start...its an animal smiley - smiley

Wallys games room: Guess what in 20 questions

Post 2

AngelicWitch (ACE)

1) Does it have a tail?

Wallys games room: Guess what in 20 questions

Post 3

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

I can't remember what it is! lol.

Wallys games room: Guess what in 20 questions

Post 4


2) Is it a Mamal?
(if thats spelt right lol)

Wallys games room: Guess what in 20 questions

Post 5

AngelicWitch (ACE)

Does it have a trunk? smiley - smiley

Wallys games room: Guess what in 20 questions

Post 6

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

number yes q's smiley - biggrin


2) Yes

3) No

Wallys games room: Guess what in 20 questions

Post 7


4) Does it bark?

Wallys games room: Guess what in 20 questions

Post 8

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)


Wallys games room: Guess what in 20 questions

Post 9


5 does it have fur

Wallys games room: Guess what in 20 questions

Post 10

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

5) No

Wallys games room: Guess what in 20 questions

Post 11

MaRcMeiSTeR (ACE) JeDi GuArDiAn EnEmY oF DarTH MaLeK


Wallys games room: Guess what in 20 questions

Post 12

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

Ohhhhh...on the right tracks but not a whale

Wallys games room: Guess what in 20 questions

Post 13

MaRcMeiSTeR (ACE) JeDi GuArDiAn EnEmY oF DarTH MaLeK



platypus lol

Wallys games room: Guess what in 20 questions

Post 14

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

a plattypus has fur...and a otter...and some seals! lol.

I was thinging more sea creature...smaller than a whale...

Wallys games room: Guess what in 20 questions

Post 15

MaRcMeiSTeR (ACE) JeDi GuArDiAn EnEmY oF DarTH MaLeK

But you said it was a mammal and as far as I know the only mammal that goes in water is platypus and whale lol

Wallys games room: Guess what in 20 questions

Post 16

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

what's a dolphin then? lol

Wallys games room: Guess what in 20 questions

Post 17

MaRcMeiSTeR (ACE) JeDi GuArDiAn EnEmY oF DarTH MaLeK

Dolphin that must be the answer I
knew i'd get it out of u somewaysmiley - smiley lmao U don't get into uni on good looks alone lol

Wallys games room: Guess what in 20 questions

Post 18

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

Just aswell the answer ain't a dolphin...I ain't just a pretty face either lmao

Wallys games room: Guess what in 20 questions

Post 19

MaRcMeiSTeR (ACE) JeDi GuArDiAn EnEmY oF DarTH MaLeK

smiley - grr lol

Did u see my wally test? lmao I didnt understand the questions seemed so obscure that I just wrote answers out my head for each question lol

Wallys games room: Guess what in 20 questions

Post 20

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

hahaha smiley - nahnah lol.

Nah I ain't seen yours, will do in a min smiley - run. Have you seen mine? I think I've done well lol

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