A Conversation for The Wally's Games Room

Wallys games room: Ever lasting sentence game:add 4 words

Post 21


The Earth and then

Wallys games room: Ever lasting sentence game:add 4 words

Post 22


the horizon in a

Wallys games room: Ever lasting sentence game:add 4 words

Post 23


Moving thing which looked

Wallys games room: Ever lasting sentence game:add 4 words

Post 24


as if it was

Wallys games room: Ever lasting sentence game:add 4 words

Post 25


Spinnig round and round

Wallys games room: Ever lasting sentence game:add 4 words

Post 26

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

like a spinning thingy

Wallys games room: Ever lasting sentence game:add 4 words

Post 27


Which very much sounded

Wallys games room: Ever lasting sentence game:add 4 words

Post 28

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

like a...a....a

Wallys games room: Ever lasting sentence game:add 4 words

Post 29


Electronic farting machine which

Wallys games room: Ever lasting sentence game:add 4 words

Post 30


emitted a sulfurous odor

Wallys games room: Ever lasting sentence game:add 4 words

Post 31

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

which is smiley - bleeping sick

Wallys games room: Ever lasting sentence game:add 4 words

Post 32


Which smelt like it

Wallys games room: Ever lasting sentence game:add 4 words

Post 33

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

errrm...quite like Sulphur

Wallys games room: Ever lasting sentence game:add 4 words

Post 34


making for a lovely

Wallys games room: Ever lasting sentence game:add 4 words

Post 35

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

piece of organically made

Wallys games room: Ever lasting sentence game:add 4 words

Post 36

AngelicWitch (ACE)

from green oranges and

Wallys games room: Ever lasting sentence game:add 4 words

Post 37


Sweet flavoured peaches and

Wallys games room: Ever lasting sentence game:add 4 words

Post 38

AngelicWitch (ACE)

pink grapefruit with purple

Wallys games room: Ever lasting sentence game:add 4 words

Post 39


and yellow stars on

Wallys games room: Ever lasting sentence game:add 4 words

Post 40


the machines shiny skin

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