Airedales-The King of the Terriers!

2 Conversations

Airedales are a very agreeable and fun-loving breed. They have a sweet disposition, but tend to be aloof with strangers. They are very loyal and intelligent. They have very good eyesight and hearing, are very agile, and have unending courage. Those qualities make them great small game hunters, mainly hunting foxes, badgers1, weasels, ducks and birds.

Physical characteristics

Airedale's are the largest dogs in the Terrier family. On average, Airedales weigh about 44 - 50 lbs, and measure approximately 23 inches in height at the shoulder. The Airedale's coat is tan with black areas on the sides and upper parts of the body. An airedale's ears have a half drop and the tail is normally docked.Their fur is very wiry and it is generally kept short. Airedales require lots of care and grooming, they should ideally be brushed daily.

Airedale Terrier History

The Airedale breed originated in England during the 1860s, by the crossing of the terrier and the hound.2 Airedales were also one of the first breeds to be used as police dogs in Germany and England in the 1900's, and during World War I Airedales were being enlisted by the Russian and British armies. 3 It was said about Airedale Terriers that they can do anything another dog can, and still lick the other dog.

Extra Info

The life span of an Airedale is approximate 12 - 14 yrs. The Airedale Terrier makes a good jogging partner because of his athletic physique. So,an Airedale's ideal owner should be strong, althetic, and confident. Airedales need a lot of space to roam in because of their inherent activeness, so apartments are generally not the best of places for them to live.


Dog Breeds recognised by the The Kennel Club
1In the UK badgers are protected and should not be hunted. 2At this time the people wanted a large dog that could work hard in water as well as on land.3They aided the Red Cross, locating wounded and carrying messages.

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