Tricorn, Portsmouth, U.K.

3 Conversations

The Tricorn is a multi-story carpark complex in Portsmouth. It was voted the third ugliest building during the 80's, since which the first two buildings on that list have been knocked down.
Unfortunately the Tricorn is soon to share the same fate, unfortunately because it is an exquisitely ugly bulding. Not just ugly like brown flares, but ugly like a Goya painting, or a Bosch portarit of hell.
The orginal architect built his protoype in the south of France, where the sun bleached the concrete a lovely, Spanish-Amercian kind of desert look. The Portsmouth weather however intisifed the brutal grey concrete while adding strikingly dull streaks of grey rust.
I have a soft spot for the place, because during the early 80s when there were lost of post-acopolyse films coming out, it made a perfect post-nuclear war setting for a good game of chase.
I urge all researchers to visit this unique building before it is lost for ever.
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