A Conversation for Jedi Academy: Yavin IV

Anoon's Training Arena

Post 1061


Never been to Endor. I'm sure it'll be interesting.

Anoon's Training Arena

Post 1062

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

well this is your chance to be speared by an ewock or two then smiley - winkeye

Anoon's Training Arena

Post 1063

Lorelei Ga'fen - Jedi;Lori Pendragon - theif,assassin,& witch - see Brokeback Mountain!4 Baftas!

Anoon's Training Arena

Post 1064

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

Anoon's Training Arena

Post 1065


Sounds rude Master. smiley - winkeye

Anoon's Training Arena

Post 1066

Lorelei Ga'fen - Jedi;Lori Pendragon - theif,assassin,& witch - see Brokeback Mountain!4 Baftas!

Anoon's Training Arena

Post 1067

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

Really Shawoo I dont know what you mean smiley - winkeye

Anoon's Training Arena

Post 1068


Nothing Master.


When shall we leave.

Anoon's Training Arena

Post 1069

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

we leave as soon as i inform the masters that we're going
I dont think they should have any problems....
and if they do we'll just leave faster smiley - winkeye
lets test that security system smiley - evilgrin
whats the worst that can happen
i here ionisation isnt that painful....

*leaves to find masters*

Anoon's Training Arena

Post 1070

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*drags all willing to her ship*

Anoon's Training Arena

Post 1071


*Runs after her.*

Anoon's Training Arena

Post 1072


*follows, nearly trips but stays standing*

Anoon's Training Arena

Post 1073

ImmuneToConcequences - But I dont wanna go to school today

*Walks in and sits down, looks around for master Seneth and waits patiently for an acknowledgement*

Anoon's Training Arena

Post 1074

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*master seneth walks in and starts to clean the floor on the room with a long handled brush apparently taking no notice of anything else in the room*

Anoon's Training Arena

Post 1075

ImmuneToConcequences - But I dont wanna go to school today

*Looks for another broom and helps to sweep*

Anoon's Training Arena

Post 1076

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

Ah, new to our ranks are you?
nice day don't you think, at least its not storm season
*he smiles to himself and continues sweeping*

Anoon's Training Arena

Post 1077

ImmuneToConcequences - But I dont wanna go to school today

I wouldn't know about storms but yes it is an nice day and I am new here. The name's djin. Pleased to meet you.

Anoon's Training Arena

Post 1078

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*stops sweeping and stands with his elbow leaning on the broom handle*
the first lesson in being a jedi
is how not to be one.... do you understand?

Anoon's Training Arena

Post 1079

ImmuneToConcequences - But I dont wanna go to school today

I'll be honest master ...do I call you master?... anyway its a little vague. I've spent my whole life 'not being a jedi' I don't even know how to be a jedi. I understand if this question is a trick intended to get me to think through the meaning of being a jedi, but if not then I'm sorry but I dont understand.
*continues sweeping, looking somewhat confused*

Anoon's Training Arena

Post 1080

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

its probably a trick to be honest
and you can call me what you wish
but its probably best to be respectful

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