A Conversation for The h2g2 Poem


Post 1


Have been - so I shall take another look to see if I have dropped something?

Ameuc smiley - sadface


Post 2

Post Team

Well if you have... and you can't find it... please do make use of our Lost Property Department... ~grin~



Post 3


Hi Greebs,

Well I did notice that little box on the front shelf there and being the curious type, because I used to have a little box just like it, I took a peek and can I say empathically that the HUGE diamond - what is it - 6 carats - 9? solid 100 percent platinum ring is MINE!

Yep, you found me - I am the owner! Look I can prove it fits like a, well, ring.

(Wondering if I should do that 'my precious' scene from Hobbit to authenticate my claim?)

So if you hand it over .....

On a serious note, found ‘Hiding’ and it looks very good – thank you very much to the editing team for layout.

Thank you Post for liking it enough to choose it, I am flattered.


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