A Conversation for True Love = No Contact?

An Intriguing Concept.

Post 1

E G Mel

One might argue that physical contact can be used to show one persons true love for another.

For instance the christian belief of no sex before marriage, and the muslim dress code for women, both in a way fit your theory of true love and physical contact.

For they state that a lifetime relationship should not be based on ones physical merits.

However they also state that once true love has been found and proclaimed the physical side may begin. Which as I see it is where your argument differs.

Do you believe that a relationship origianlly based on true love and not on lust could be broken by the introduction of physical contact?

At what point does making love, (when ones ultimate goal is to please the partner as well as have a good time smiley - winkeye) constitute lust and not a show of ones true love? Is there even a distinction?

Mel smiley - hsif

*not tired, inebriated just on a caffine high!*

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