A Conversation for HTML Links


Post 1

Dr. Destructo

They sure don't. That work wurks was coded to link to http://wurks.com. It kinda just got sucked up. I guess that h2g2 isn't ignorant of HTML links, it just doesn't like 'em. Well, it's time for me to retire. Good night all.


Post 2

Dirk Vinkelhop

Silly silly.. that's because if you're using GuideML, you should make the writing say {arrow}LINK HREF="http://wurks.com"{close arrow}Wurks.com{arrow}/LINK{close arrow} Of course, if you'd selected HTML, the link would've worked with the standard {arrow}A HREF .. etc etc{close arrow} tags.. Anyway :) Of course, if you'd selected plain text, then it definately wouldn't have worked :).. Hmm.. Maybe that's what you were testing :).. You could've always tested it on your homepage, cus then it wouldn't be permanent.. oh well. nevermind :)

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