Paneer Bhurji: a simple Paneer recipe

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Paneer is Indian cottage cheese. It makes some mouth watering Indian dishes and Paneer Bhurji is the simplest of all. for more information on Paneer, please follow the links A1118242 and A201042.

Ingredients: Paneer: 250 gms (grated) (if you take homemade Paneer you may not need to grate it )
Capsicums (bell pepper) 150 gms (Finally chopped, if you take small quantity of green, red, orange and yellow bell peppers, it will make the dish more colourful)
Onions: 150 gms (finally chopped)
Tomatos: 150 gms (finally chopped)

Salt: as per taste
Cumin seeds: ½ .tea spoon
Coriander powder: 1 tea spoon
Turmeric powder: ½ tea spoon
Cooking oil to shallow fry

Preparation: Heat one tablespoons oil in a large frying pan over a medium flame. When hot, put in the onion. Stir and fry until brown at the edges. Now add capsicums and tomatoes, add salt and stir. Put the lid and let it cook for 5-7 minutes. When capsicum is almost cooked and mixture is rather dry add paneer and ground coriander seeds powder and turmeric powder. Stir it and cook for 2 minutes.
Take it off the stove and change it in a serving bowl, garnish it with green coriander leaves and grated paneer.

This could be a side dish with any other Indian curry dish. Indians eat it with Chapati/ bread/ paratha/ naan/ rice etc. it could also be a great filling for sandwiches or a pizza topping.

Capsicum (bell pepper) is generally not very hot, if you want your dish to be very hot, add some black pepper powder or red chilli powder while adding coriander seeds powder.

Please feel free to experiment it with other ingredients. You may want to add meat or egg.

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