The Who's Who of Doctor Who.
Created | Updated Mar 26, 2002
The TV series lasted for 25 years straight, and the fan support is still tremendous both in the United Kingdom, where it originated, and in the United States.
Now there is worldwide support and rememberance for the good Doctor.The Concept:
Dr. Who is a time traveler of almost immortal standing. His mode of travel is the TARDIS, standing for Time And Relative Dimension In Space. The vehicle is near infinitely large inside, but looks like an ordinary, worn British Police Call box.
The Doctor himself often goes by the pseudonym of John Smith, as his real name is unpronouncable in any Earth tongue, but he prefers to simply go by the "Doctor."
His lifespan is governed by being able to regenerate his body a total of 12 times, giving him 13 full lives to live out.
Normally only accidental death would cause a regeneration as natural causes are all but extinct in their race.
The Doctor's people call themselves Time Lords, as they have mastered the art of traveling through space and time, but have sworn to not tamper with the timestreams for fear of causing another great "Time War."
The Doctor is presently on his eighth incarnation, having run away from his people in an effort to right the wrongs of the universe, and from time to time running into an immovable obstacle.
First was the older, somewhat crotchety Doctor and his granddaughter Susan landing on Earth and changing the TARDIS's exterior to blend in. Here is where the Police Box facade became forever stuck.
Second was a shorter, dark haired Doctor with an eccentric dress sense and a passing resemblence to Moe from the Three Stooges.
Third in line, after a forced regeneration by his own people and exile on Earth, was the again white haired, well taylored Doctor. His frilly cravate and black/purple cape stood him out from the military group, UNIT, he was drafted into.
Given his freedom to travel in his TARDIS once again, the Doctor encounters a race of malignant spiders, triggering his next regeneration. Now "all teeth and curls," with a ten foot scarf and Jelly Babies, the Doctor's humor has mellowed and his travels continue.
After a difficult Fifth regeneration the Doctor takes a great deal of time to regain his memory and sports an outfit suited to a day of Cricket. A stalk of celery in his jacket helps to warn him of dangerous gases.
The Sixth Doctor begets a beligerent attitude and tromps across the galaxy before a summons to stand trial again by his own people. Finding himself tried by an alternate 13th version of himself, the courtroom is soon in chaos before the Doctor is acquitted.
Sudden turbulence in the time/space stream damages the Doctor's body enough to trigger the Seventh regeneration. Somehow acquiring a slight brogue, the Doctor soon shows a darker side to his dealings in "cleaning up" the universe.
Stepping out of the Tardis on Earth, December 31, 1999, the Doctor is shot by a local gang. As a local doctor tries exploratory surgery, the probe is caught one of the Doctor's two hearts, causing his Eighth and latest regeneration.
Wearing a victorian suit and another cravat, the Doctor has continued his adventures through a BBC book series, audio adventures, and fan fiction.The gadgets:
Most famous of the Doctor's possessions, after the TARDIS, are:
Sonic Screwdriver; Used to open locked doors, scramble sensors, detonate sensitive bombs, reprogram circuits, and unscrew screws with sonic vibrations.
K-9; Faithful robotic companion of the Fourth Doctor, K-9 came when called, shot laser blasts from his nose, and served as an early warning system for the absent minded Doctor.
Jelly Babies; Hits the spot when in a tough situation.
Bessie; The Third Doctor's semi-sentient vehicle, cobbled together with parts from somewhere within the TARDIS. Top speeds unknown.
Next edition: The Doctor's Enemies...