Kingsport, Tennessee

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Every region has its patchwork of memories, but Kingsport's development as the first planned American city followed a carefully worked pattern.

Kingsport took its name from an early boatyard, William King's Port, and was initially chartered in 1822. Even before Kingsport's official charter in 1917, the city had a well-established industrial base. This can be attributed in large part to the deveopment of the railroad in 1910. The railroad's arrival opened the way for industry and commerce, heralding a new age of growth and prosperity.

Piece by piece, city fathers John B. Dennis and George Carter laid plans for the future. They commissioned Massachusetts planner Dr. John Nolen to develop America's first "Model City". Nolen proposed placing industries along the river, with residential areas on the hills and higher ground. Columbia University in New York helped plan the school system.

Drawn by the emerging vision, business leaders began to take note. Among the early recruits was George Eastman, who acquired a wood-distillation plant which is known today as Eastman Chemical Company. The headquarters of both Eastman Chemical Company and American Federated Glass are located in Kingsport. Other large industries include Arcata Graphics, Holliston Mills, Mead Paper, and Holston Army Ammunition Plant.

Downtown Kingsport has been the city's common thread throughout the years. Supported by the National Main Street Program, businesses, reatailers and customers are returning to Kingsport's original shopping district. Historic landmarks like Church Circle and beautification projects maintain its charm and assure its place as a vital part of the community.

"The Kingsport Spirit" continues to challenge each generation to strive for the excellence which has always been the fabric of Kingsport's educational system, cultural programs, modern medical facilities, commerce, industries, and its many service establishments. Today, Kingsport offers a unique blend of beauty, history, genuine hospitality, and contemporary style.

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