A Conversation for Talking Point: One Minute Rants
Stuff that doesn't work
Sho - employed again! Started conversation Jul 22, 2003
sick and tired and fed-up of every stupid flaming thing in this stupid house that doesn't work just when I need it too.
First the hairdryer, then the fridge, now just WHEN I NEED THE FLAMING THING TO DO ITS STUFF my printer decides that red as a colour does not need to exist.
I hate it with a vengence bordering on the insane and in about 5 seconds it's going out of the window.
Oh yes it is. Because I really don't need this ... I don't have the words to describe how I feel about this stupid printer that could be said on a family site.
And you know what? I don't even feel better after that.
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Stuff that doesn't work
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