A Conversation for Talking Point: One Minute Rants
Dog poo in Toulouse
Faulty Tower Started conversation Jul 22, 2003
I'm doing a three month internship with Airbus in Toulouse (southern France for anyone wondering), and the thing that I cannot get over or get used to or whatever is the amount of dog poo on the streets around here. It's freakin' everywhere! It's so bad on some streets that you have to walk with your head down just to make sure you dont step in something! I dont know what the deal is...you see all these nice French ladies with these little scrappy dogs who think they're the greatest thing in the world since the first frenchman stepped on a grape, and they just let them do they're buisness anywhere (and most usually on the sidewalks since they dont want to walk off the road!) Additionally, it seems to be only in Toulouse! I've been to Albi, Carcassonne, Angers, Paris, La Tour Carol, Bordeaux, Barcelona, and Setgis since I arrived here in early May, and those cities didnt have ANY dog poo on their streets! If anyone can explain this one to me, let me know, because I'm all out of ideas!
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Dog poo in Toulouse
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