A Conversation for My Views on the Mind


Post 1

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Hmm. I want to come back later smiley - smiley
smiley - disco


Post 2


OK and thanks for your interests abbi! I'll tell you when I make additions and changes to the entry. For instance right now I just changed 'space' into 'timespace' in the last paragraph ... meaning that our individual minds are located in time as much as in space. But I still believe that there are over-reaching aspects of our minds, or Mind, that are much less localised in time and space! This can be called a 'transcendent' mind, or a 'transpersonal' mind, and I'm certain it exists.


Post 3

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I think it exists too.
I was just wondering if I had yours and Bartons topics mixed up. I was thinking he had an interest in this topic. smiley - dohMaybe you both do!
I met you both about the same time, now I am not sure.
smiley - disco

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