My Extreme Dream

2 Conversations

Okay, this is how I'm planning, right now, to make my own 'world' better, and hopefully make the whole world much better.

First of all I'm going to get myself better. If I can change myself, I can change the world! I am going to recover. I am going to heal. I am going to be sane. I am no longer going to be plagued by psychosis or the threat of psychosis. I am going to recover the full use of my mind. I am going to improve and extend all of my mental faculties. I am going to become what I can potentially become - one of the smartest people on the planet. I don't just have a very high IQ ... I also score high on creativity as well. I have the inner conviction that there is no problem that I cannot learn to understand, and also learn to solve. My verbal IQ is extremely high, both in Afrikaans as well as in English, so I have the potential to become an excellent writer, and I want to write for the sake of education. My doctor said in Denmar that if I manage to overcome the way my paranoia and psychosis are crippling my mind right now, I could be very, very much more intelligent. I think she may be right. I *feel* that I can become almost infinitely more intelligent than I am right now, if I could only fix everything that's still wrong with my mind.

But I am going to do that.

I'm also going to keep on working and improving the quality of the work that I do. I'm going to keep on painting every day. I'm going to become better and better with my techniques of painting in acryllics, oils and watercolours. I'm going to really put my cerebellum to work in the acquisition of new painting skills! The more skills I master, the more I can apply the real brainpower to what is really important in the painting - the creative content. I am going to continue doing what I'm doing now, specialising in painting people ... to the extent where I can paint much more quickly, much more fluently. I am also going to try and do something with the caricature-painting. I think that caricature-painting is more my style because there's more creativity involved. But I will also try and invollve more creativity in my 'regular' paintings of people as well. On the caricature front I'm really going to see if I can start doing cartoons.

I've already started with the conceptual framework for one kind of cartoon I'd like to create. It's actually a serial cartoon-novel sort of thing and the name I've come up with for now is 'The Frontier Force'. I'm not going to let slip a single detail more than that here on h2g2. I don't want anyone pinching my ideas! Where I want to go is to the point of an entire cartoon-book, somewhat like Astérix or Tintin, but my book will be much thicker and much more serious, though of course there will be humor as well. But 'Frontier Force' is not going to be a comic for kids. It will be a book for adults and with lots of potentially extremely disturbing material. Not just for the sake of gratuitous nastiness ... it will all serve a purpose. There will be more than one book ... it will be a series of stories, and I still don't know if there will be any particular 'final point' to which the stories will tend. 'Frontier Force' is a very-long-term project.

This will be combining my skills in art and writing. I have to improve my art and also my writing a lot before I can get to the stage where I can actually sit down and start producing 'Frontier Force'.

Before that I'll do lots of other things, though.

I'll of course also continue with painting animals and landscapes. Those do sell, though slowly. I'll continue going to game reserves, watching animals and plants, taking photos, making sketches, and so on. I will get better and better with that as well.

Then I'm really going to try and get into writing books for kids. Not quite like J. K. Rowling, but something along that line ... imaginative and *long* novels aimed at preteens and teens, but that even adults will enjoy. But my twist will be that I will illustrate them as well! Maybe not to the degree of 'Frontier Force' which will be a full-blown graphic novel ... but to a large extent nonetheless. I'm also thinking of shorter books for younger kids. In fact I'm working on one of them now, it's called 'Clackle Gets Lost' and again I'm not going to give any details here on h2g2, only that I'm going to write it in both Afrikaans and English and the English version I'm going to try and get published internationally, and I'm also doing the art ... I have already done a couple of concept paintings. Will be a very imaginative and, I hope, imagination-stimulating bit of work. I've also already thought of many other kinds of concepts for books for children. The illustration of them will be a blast ... I'll do it in watercolours.

I'm also working on a book on bodybuilding. I've been working for a long while on something like that. But basically before I will be able to get the book into its final form I will have to get myself into my all-time best shape, so I can include some 'before and after' pictures of myself. But most of the book will be illustrated by my own drawings, showing all the exercises, the muscles, the poses, and so on. I'm really going to try and work lots of humorous pictures into the book as well.

Then I'm really seriously starting to consider writing 'philosophical' books. Not plain regular up-in-the-air philosophy, but practical philosophy ... primarily, about the mind, about life, about achieving a high-quality life, about the ongoing evolution of humanity, and about improving mental abilities, and about ethics, improving the ethics of our society, and about alternative technologies ... the increasing use of 'low-impact' technologies of which I've thousands of ideas ... and books about society and what society means and what communities and societies are and how we can change them ... a kind of political philosophy ... in short, I'm going to write books about ways in which people can change themselves, and therefore ultimately the world, into something better. I know not of one, not of two, not of ten, not of a hundred, but of *thousands* of ways in which this can be done. And I'm thinking, just maybe, this will be of benefit to some people. Just maybe I should be sharing these ideas, not keeping them inside. But before that I'll need to know if these ideas are *sane* or not, whether they make any sense or not, whether they are really practical or not ... in short, do they really work? Lots of them have worked, so far, for me ... lots haven't worked yet, but I trust that before too long they'll start working for me, and I think they can work for others too.

I would be really happy if I could write lots of such books, and if I could get lots of feedback from people on my ideas so I can keep improving them.

To keep my ideas from being up-in-the-air and impractical I've already decided how I'm going to ground them in reality. It all starts with my cultivation of plants. I have a new kind of vision of plants and their importance to humans ... a new kind of vision for how humans can exist and make use of plants in their existence. In my scheme the prime value of plants is to form a living and changing and interesting and beautiful environment for humans and other animals to live in. I want humans to use plants more in their living environments. New ways of building houses, and of planning human buildings and structures, to accommodate more plants around them, and sometimes even plants *on* them and *in* them. I would that people have lots more plants inside their houses ... but also, build their houses smaller so there's room for many more plants outside their houses as well! I would also that humans choose the plants they use based on ecological considerations. I would have it so that humans learnt a lot more about ecology from living in close proximity to plants growing, reproducing and living in a rich ecological context. Make no mistake - my ideas are *really* far-out, but I believe not impossible. And I am going to put them to the practical test! No sense to recommend something that hasn't ever been tried out yet!

What I'm going to do is I'm going to get myself a patch of land. To do that, I'll need some money first. I have already saved up about a quarter of what I'll need just to start out. My parents will also help out. I can maybe even get more people to share in the enterprise. But whatever way, what I'm going to do is get myself this patch of land ... about ten hectares in size, to start out with ... and then plan how to 'develop' this land. But I'm going to develop it according to my ideas! Plan everything - buildings and other infrastructure, everything - according to my notions of a human society that is integrated with a surrounding, living ecology. I'm going to build a house there and live there. I will plan the house so it can be expanded and extended later, in case more people want to come and live there. At the least I really do hope that by that time I will have persuaded some wonderful woman to marry me and come live with me, there. And I hope we can have kids. It will be a wonderful place for kids to grow up in. I'd like to have kids of my own, but also, I really want to adopt lots of kids as well. Here in South Africa we have lots of kids who are orphans because their parents died of AIDS. I would really love to adopt some of those orphans. I think people in general who are able to care for kids and who want to should consider adopting orphans.

So anyways, myself, wife, kids, friends and their kids ... this could become a nucleus for a new kind of community. We'll be living on our patch of land, and we'll be trying to get as much as we can of what we need from our land. We'll grow food for ourselves there, but this will only be a small part of the land. The majority will be a wonderful botanic garden and nature reserve! We will try and attract visitors and ask fees to keep the thing going, and we'll also have a nursery where we will sell indigenous plants. We may also sell some of the *products* of our plants, such as edible fruit, ornaments made from wood, etc. So from the visitors to the botanic garden, and from selling the plants and plant products, we'll have an additional source of income. We really will work hard to make our community economically viable. We will, amongst ourselves, work hard at writing and selling books ... I really am aiming for it that we should be a kind of artistic, intellectual community, and very creatively productive. We'll write and sell books, as well as visual art, and, I hope, we'll at some stage start making music as well. In our community we will pool our resources, and get ourselves some guitars, including electric guitars, drums, and other instruments, and we will share the use of these among ourselves. So all the kids born into the community will have the opportunity to learn to play the guitar and other instruments. I am certain we will have enough talent amongst ourselves to reach a stage where we can make music good enough to attract people ... we can hold concerts, indoors and outdoors on our grounds, as well.

I truly believe that a project like this could be viable. I want that our community should start out small, and at that scale we can begin trying out some of the principles of social organisation and functioning that I've been working on. Whatever we find works well on the small scale, we can then try and apply and adapt to a larger scale. I want that our community should grow bigger. We will do that not just by having and adopting children, but also by means of attracting people from outside to come and join our community. We will 'advertise' our project, by doing lots of writing ... writing about what we are doing to magazines and newspapers, quite regularly, and also by putting lots and lots of info on the internet. The place - the plants, the birds, the animals - will be so beautiful and interesting that we will be able to fill a huge website - or maybe several huge websites - with wonderful beautiful pictures of our place, and at the same time we can tell people about our larger vision, of the full scope of what we're intending, on our plans and prospects for the future. We can tell people about our goals, our values, our principles. People who truly share these with us and want to become part of the project can come and join us. I really believe we will be economically viable enough that we will be able, at regular intervals, to acquire new lands to increase the size of our community without overburdening our land. I'm thinking of maintaining a population density of about one person per hectare. We'll buy new patches of land as needed, as we grow in our number of people.

As our community grows larger the importance of internal systems of communication will increase. We must be a very cohesive community ... we must know what is going on everywhere. If we later get patches of land that are outlying ... far removed from the main body of the community ... we will need very intimate communication systems so that the outlying community can be 'in touch' with the main body, and remain an integral part of it, and not become disconnected from it. This will be absolutely vital for the continuing sharing of resources.

Initially our community will be very integrated within the larger community in which it exists, and within the South African mainstream society. But, as we grow bigger, I am aiming that we should become more and more independent. By that I mean that we will more and more learn to better use the resources available on our lands. I want that we should there start to build the principles of a recource-based economy. We will also develop our own technologies. I already have the ideas for lots of these technologies. At various levels, various techniques and technologies will come into operation. This will be very dependent on the size of the community/society - the number of people in it, and the size of our lands and properties. Within these we will have a system of communal ownership. As for levels of growth ... the limit of any single 'group' will be two hundred people. Two hundred is not an arbitrary number, a hundred men and a hundred women ... it is, more or less, the maximum number of people who can all know each other really well. So we will group our society, firstly, into groups of two hundred people. Once we have two hundred groups of two hundred - forty thousand - we will start with higher-order principles of organisation, communication and resource management. The next step will be two hundred groups of two hundred groups of two hundred ... we're at eight million people then. At this point we will really be a major society in the world. At that point we can start having an influence on other societies. Maybe we can already start having an influence well before we reach that point. Even our smaller societies could be models for social organisation. But once we're at eight million people, living on a land area of eight million hectares - that's eighty thousand square kilometres - we could really and seriously start becoming a viable alternative. We could then really start putting our available resources to good use, we could then really start becoming a really strong and major human culture, competing with mainstream cultures and types of society.

Anyways I haven't the foggiest idea how far this project could progress within my lifetime. I'm going to try and live for as long as possible ... but the first step will just be the purchase of the initial ten hectares of land. The rest will have to follow on that. I've already worked it out in great detail, but my plans themselves are very flexible, adaptable, and changeable, based on what, exactly, happens at certain various 'key' points of the plan's development. My plans are also so structured as to be accommodating to other people's plans as well. I really will involve other people's ideas as much as is possible and feasible. The bottom line is that it will be a dream which other people will share - a new kind of society where there is equality and justice, where humans live in harmony with each other and with nature, and where there is much better care of children, and also much better awareness of issues such as physical and mental health. The ideas I have are all geared towards these and other important concerns. I have identified hundreds of *problems* that are systemic in our societies and that can be solved by employing new and better kinds of social systems. The view I have is also that these systems should come about by a process of organic growth, which is why the new system starts out small and then becomes big. It is not like a planned revolution where a new, large system comes into existence out of nowhere and then tries to usurp others. The organicness of my system is, I think, a great strength.

At any rate, I will next start writing about the various aspects of these plans of mine in greater detail. First of all I will write about the botanic garden that I'm planning, and about the nursery. This is based on what I've been doing up till now here at home and how I would like to take it further. The nature of my dream is that it is *holistic*, like a hologram is holistic. Every part contains the whole - every part is an image of the whole (... even though, the smaller the part, the cruder is the image). So, the botanic garden already in a way 'contains' the entire society that can grow out of it. So I'm next going to describe the botanic garden in detail. Once you know what the garden will be like, you will know what the whole world will be like.

Good, I've finished this entry ... for now I'm just leaving it in plain text. I'll be rewriting it probably a few times and will probably put it into GuideML and add hyperlinks and so-on, later.

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