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Communication is the way to transfer information.

Communication relies on a transport medium or several of them.

Communication involves packaging to insert the information into the required form for the transport medium. This packaging wrapping or stowing creates the opportunity to handle the communication in various ways. By wrapping the information into writing the communication process can be repeated as many times as required. An other property of this stowing is that the communication can use several media.

Communication involves formulating the information in such way an other party can make use of it. The information can use redundancy to increase the chances the other party to be able to make use of it. The information can be formulated in such way receivers of the communication can confirm inside this same communication session the information as received.

Communication has several speed properties.
First of all the speed used to transfer the package by the medium. Some remember the time of the snail mail, this consists mostly of phisical pieces of paper, wrapped in a paper envelope. Or the knotted ropes used by the inca's or spoken information by messagers. These all require physical transport for the communication to take place.
Even in ancient times humans have experimented with other means of communication: smoke signals, a fire on a hill top or tower, mirrors to reflect sunlight, semaphore. These were fast as the transport medium was light, jet the range and information size were very limited.
The first next step in medium was the telegraph. The telegraph system used a binary coding system to eliminate noise. The telegraph was also the very first electrical medium to use as communication platform. As soon as Marconi had his radio equipment ready he started to experiment long range wireless communication.

Another speed property of communication is transition delay. This is the time it takes between starting transmittion of a message and receiving all of it. There have always been transition delays in communication. Only in recent years (2003) larger groups of mankind are experiencing these.

The last but not least speed property is the baud rate. You can calculate this for every communication as it is defined as transition per second. In speach or writing it would be words per second. In data it can be seen as values per second. On a transmission line it can be seen as changes per second. This speed is phisical limited by the quality of the transmission medium. The quality involves the noise level as always present to be ignorable with respect to the information stream.

Is there any communication involved in this?
Guess not should first have a receiver.

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