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Anything made to float. (It did when we build it) ~oooo~


Object with more water volume displacement than weight. Tends to displace less water then its volume (so it stays afloat) ~\_____/~


Dedicated boat to go somewhere. Has propultion and cargo as main property (Cruise ship?).


comming up


Made for racing or to hunt for a goal. We will have to race against extinction. We will have a goal to let it be known.

Surf Board

A board to keep your feet together and to push the water in the right direction. ( About falling off a wave)

Wind Surf Board

A board to keep your feet together and to push the water in the right direction. While holding your hands together on a wishbone it will let you fall on your back if the wind drops. Or catapult you over the rigging if the wind takes on.

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