Elvis Presley

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Looking at the title of this entry you might be under the impression that this will just be an overlong boring biography of The King, but you would be wrong. I know hardly anything about Mr Presley, and I'll be damned if I can write a biography for him. I will not be insulting Elvis either, I think that his music is brilliant and that it's very sad that he died, even if he did die on a toilet.

I am writing this entry to tell everyone to find an Elvis record and listen to it. Don't do anything while you're listening to it, just listen. When you listen to it I assure you that you will be engrossed by The King's arrogant charm. You will find yourself involuntarily moving to the beat, whether it just be tapping your fingers, nodding your head, or jumping up and dancing with all your heart like a madman. You will find yourself listening to the lyrics and by the end of the song I can guarantee that you will know the chorus off by heart. If you listen to the song a second time you will be so emmersed in the simple yet ingenious melodies that you will be singing along by the end. Why does Elvis cause this strange occurrence? To be quite honest I don't know. But the fact is he does. His charm is inescapeable. He is like a parasite, only he doesn't feed on you, you feed on him. Every time you listen to him you take something. But his power never weakens, if anything it grows and gets stronger. Elvis was a man who, although he had many bad traits, changed the world. He might not have had the songwriting genius of Lennon and McCartney, he may not have had the beautiful lyrics of Simon (of Simon & Garfunkel), but the truth is that he came first. They were to follow him, in the next decade. He was there before them and his career outlasted many of his contemporaries. He was The King. So find that Elvis record and listen to it. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

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