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Chaos has many faces:

  • Chaos as remains of an ordened system as entropy has done its job.

  • Chaos as an appearance of not obeying any rules or laws.

  • Chaos is in most of the old religions described as the state before the (other) god(s)1 created the universe.

  • Chaos in an abundance of any rules. A current scientific view of the state before the universe is a big void of nothing.

Chaos is for some of these cases, more of a perception within the reference frame of rules. The chaos may not be chaotic at all if observed with the applied rules. Even mathematicians play with this kind of chaos today5.

Computers generate so called random numbers, dies are rolling over a table, or cards picked by just someone from the audience. These are not chaotic at all, all can be calculated if sufficient information is present. Even the nuclear decay of radioactive isotopes is just a matter of sufficient information to predict the event.

There is however one known element in our universe touching the chaos. Decisions taken by life forms with jut enough information processing power not to go insane6. This life form is known as Humans.

Outside7 the universe is another case. Imagening the "void of nothing9" not having any rules is the only place where Chaos "rules". By the chaos "ruling" this "void of nothing" there is a chance of spilling the voidiness. If these spillings occur they instantly are no longer part of the nothing12.

Chaos is nothing, at least in my mind13.

I have to enter this entry, I can not read it anymore in plain text.
1 Chaos2 is the name of an ancient Greek god. 2 And further down the line we find Tyche3 or Fortuna, the godess of good luck. 3 Also known as Tycho, the mooncrater4 where she lived. 4Photo of Tycho5 Fractals are in there nonlinearity often seen as chaotic. 6 Mostly harmless 7 Or _is8_ it anyway? 8 There is no time. 9 It existed just an instant of time10. 10 A chronon 4.3E-23 seconds11. 11 approximately 12 Fleeding away on any rule not existing in the "void of nothing". 13 Or is that a Chaotic thought?

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