A Conversation for 24 Lies A Second

Rather interesting

Post 1

Darth Zaphod

Funny you decide to do this movie, Awixsmiley - smiley

Skullock and I went to that movie recently, and I'm not one to even attempt to guess the end of movies. I just watch and enjoy. (Unless it's a sucky movie, then I watch and complain.) But skull absolutely baffled me by guessing the ending 45 minutes into the movie--it was astounding! At least to me...which may not be saying much. Thought I'd drop a note!

DZsmiley - planet

Rather interesting

Post 2


Guessing? I would guess he would already have known before he went to the movie

smiley - blacksheep

Rather interesting

Post 3


Awix, guessing the ending to the sixth sense is not that amazing you know. Personally I got told before I saw it (hate people tht do that).

But I agree that it's nice to have a good twist. (must watch fight club again, with knowledge)

Rather interesting

Post 4

Darth Zaphod

Fight Club was a great twisted movie--it's my favorite!

No, he didn't know before hand--he saw the first scene of the psycho guy in the wheelchair and just kind of guessed.

DZsmiley - planet

Rather interesting

Post 5


Don't you just hate it when people do that?

Rather interesting

Post 6


smiley - laugh I always do that, except all of mine are wrong.

I've been told it's quite annoying smiley - biggrin

smiley - devil

smiley - blacksheep

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