Unc's Basic Guide to Stuff

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H2G2 is huge and can be quite daunting, so here's a very basic guide to a few very basic things. There are plenty of more detailed lists out there, but this one aims to get you understanding as much as possible without confusing you by being long and dull.

Entering threads

If you're a new Researcher, then you may find many threads you'd be interested in posting in, but they're already very long, perhaps several thousand postings long. smiley - Don't hesitate to enter these conversations if there's something you want to say1. It's a good idea to read the first few and last few postings however just so you know what the thread's about. Remeber the first 2 rules of h2g2;

  • Always read the back-log
  • No one reads the back-log
  • Starting New Threads

    This is all fairly self-explanatory, but just for the record...

  • Try to keep the thread relavant to the article or forum it's posted on.
  • Make sure the title is at least vaguely relevant to the desired content
  • Attempt to keep the more trivial threads and games to places such as Personal Spaces, Miscchat and Game Addicts
  • Take a little time to check that there isn't already a thread on your chosen subject on your target forum.
  • Posting in Threads

    Again this is fairly self explanatory, but anyway...

  • Always keep to the House Rules
  • Try not to insult other researchers, though disagreements are inevitable
  • Try to avoid multiple posting, deliberate spamming will not be tolerated
  • If you want to link to an article in a thread, then state it's A number. For example writing A690518 will be a link to Spicing Up Your User Page. Similary, to link to researchers, you need to give the U number. U216863 will bring you to my personal space.
  • You can make your postings more graphic by using smileys, the full listing of which you can find at the Smiley Page
  • Friends List

    If you want to add a researcher to your friends list, simply go to their personal space and click 'add to friends'. Though it's nice to have friends here, the friends list doesn't do very much. All it means is that when any of your friends writes a journal entry, the conversation will show up on your space. There is nothing o stop you from adding anyone you like to your friends list, though Researchers often like to be told you've added them. smiley -

    Journal Entries

    These are your own for your own purpose. Researchers generally use them to let their friends know what they've been up to both on and offsite. Remeber that what you write will show up on everyone who's added you to 'friends''s conversation list, so make sure the content is something you intend to say to them all.smiley -

    1As long as it doesn't break the house rules that is smiley -

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