A Conversation for The Terranic Army - the Legend Returns

The Re-Signing in Room

Post 441

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

smiley - boing

The Re-Signing in Room

Post 442


...my what?

The Re-Signing in Room

Post 443

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

That's a new name for it smiley - winkeye

The Re-Signing in Room

Post 444


*Looks about, puzzled.*

Name for my what? Oh, and by the way: www.sockbaby.com

The best amature film/action movie e-var.

The Re-Signing in Room

Post 445

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs


The Re-Signing in Room

Post 446

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)


Never mind Mystrunner, it's the British sense of humour kicking in

The Re-Signing in Room

Post 447

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

And he means your Personal Space.

The Re-Signing in Room

Post 448

Quille the cynic...TC

Former Lance Corporal Quille- of the Eorlingas regiment.. or towel regiment, depending on when you look at it. And I had a little angel by my name, which means I was.. dead? Horrid, really.
I think I have to restart the hootoo experience with a new username soon, though.

The Re-Signing in Room

Post 449

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Woohoo welcome back

The Re-Signing in Room

Post 450

Zeek, the Keeper of Intertemporal Reality Disruptions and Paradoxical Equations, Honorary Muse of Photoshop Photograph Edits <

*salutes* Super-Duper-Mega-Secret Agent Zeek, dossier number 006.5, late of the Military Intelligence Arm of the Third Disgusting Fusiliers reporting, SIR!

The Re-Signing in Room

Post 451

Werekitty (Bastet, Tobru Deran, Cymoril)

Werekitty, ex-General, ex-Tealady, ex-Sane person.

Shall we rescucitate (spelt wrong for emphasis) this army, m'lord Terran?

The Re-Signing in Room

Post 452


Werekitty, I would be honoured. Welcome Zeep, welcome back Quille...

Its been too long...

*wakes the sleeping giant*

The Re-Signing in Room

Post 453


...erm Zeek (grovels smiley - grovelsmiley - flustered)

The Re-Signing in Room

Post 454

Werekitty (Bastet, Tobru Deran, Cymoril)


Right. How many of us are there now?

I'll bet there's still a few subscribed to the last fight thread.

The Re-Signing in Room

Post 455

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I'm still here

The Re-Signing in Room

Post 456

Werekitty (Bastet, Tobru Deran, Cymoril)

No you're not. You're still there.

The Re-Signing in Room

Post 457

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Whatever, I'm still around these parts

The Re-Signing in Room

Post 458

Werekitty (Bastet, Tobru Deran, Cymoril)

Well I think that's neither here nor there.

The Re-Signing in Room

Post 459

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

True, it's a bit up and down I suppose smiley - biggrin

The Re-Signing in Room

Post 460

Werekitty (Bastet, Tobru Deran, Cymoril)

Well, I wouldn't know the ins and outs of that.

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