A Conversation for Manic Street Preachers - The Band - The Early Years

Collaborative Writing Workshop: A1084097 - Manic Street Preachers - The Band - The Early Years

Post 1


Entry: Manic Street Preachers - The Band - The Early Years - A1084097
Author: Kate - U33022

Having read the edited entry on the Manics - A269192 - where the writers were unaware what the name of the band's first album was (it's terroristS, not terrorist...a small point, i know...) I thought it was time someone wrote something accurate, or at least a little more detailed.
This is compiled from several sources, none of which are the embarassing mass of lies that is jenny watkins' "in the beginning".
And, obviously, it's just a start.

A1084097 - Manic Street Preachers - The Band - The Early Years

Post 2


And it's a good start as well smiley - ok

The entry that is in the guide at the moment is a bit, shall we say, 'limited' and an update of some description is long overdue. There is actually a formal Update review forum just been launched, though I must confess I'm not too sure of its workings as I've not actually used it.

I think in the short term this forum is the perfect place to let this entry develop, and then we'll look at moving on to a formal update at a later date.

All that said, my first comment about what you've written so far would be - lose the first person references. They are not supposed to be included in Edited Guide entries, so it's a good time to take them out now before you've written any more of the entry.

A1084097 - Manic Street Preachers - The Band - The Early Years

Post 3


I've had a little edit and some re-wording.
I'll add some more when i get home to my books.

Is there any chance of a couple of other researchers getting in on this one? Otherwise it runs the risk of inaccuracies which would slip past the untrained eye.

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Collaborative Writing Workshop: A1084097 - Manic Street Preachers - The Band - The Early Years

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