A human city.

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There are four kinds of villages on Earth

Very small center spread low dense population.
Mostly farmers, rest area for fortunate humans. The inhabitants are friendly and will offer you a ride if needed. The more fortunate humans en retraite, offer you long talks near the fire. Behave polite and decent as these (once) hard working people will be too. Often called nowhere, some simply do not have a name. (1+1+1+1+1+1+ 1+1+1+1+1+1+ 1+1+1+1+1+1+ 1+1+1+1+1+1+ 1+1+1+1+1+1+ 1+1+1+1+1+1+ 1+1+1+1+1+1 = 42)
Hamlets are harmless.

Dull, mostly local factory workers in food, production or mining facility's. Here you can do the best shopping, as gigantic department stores reside near their own highway exits. All facility's as food and drink establishments dancings and other means of pleasure are confection style, they just duplicate the success formula. (6 * 7 = 42) Another reason to stay out of these, the population is so boring and intruding you wont last them longer then a vogon, just do not get stuck here.
Villages are mostly.

Valleys filled with houses and flats. Centers with dapartment stores and office buildings. The city has a criss cross of roads leading nowhere, at least not where you had expected them to go. These are the best places on Earth to be, as most of the humans do. You can notice by the decrease of accessible pavement you are going downtown. And when you enter a zone for pedestrians only, you may have found the shopping mall. Walk along the pedestrian zone and watch for shields and signboards, most commonly sideways displayed, these are the pubs and bars earth is proud of.
Cities are mostly harmless.

There are some peculiar things bout cities they tend to compete with other city's. Not only the way villages do in playing sports matches, but also in being a city. The best city has the most offices and the most trade (6 * 9 = 42). In an other perspective the best city has the most construction work done during most of of the time. Probably to provide as much as possible burden for the inhabitants. All the cities aim to have a big round about, the best public transportation and the highest dept. And as learned by the Romans all cities try their best to have the perfect bureaucracy system, no escape is possible, if you are caught.

Some cities grew so big you can walk days to cross them. The suburbs have become cities by there own. Even the public transportation system has multiple layers, on all levels. These are the centers of mankinds greatest achievement so far the ultimate heaven for bureaucracy no one escapes when trapped by one of the officials (D and A = 42). As the cities the metropoli have the goal to make it any traveller as hard as they can imagine. All roads are one way, if not blocked by an obsure team placing pilons all over the place. While the next team fits themself to reconstruct the road behind you. The night life can hoover from one area to the other some resemble a normal city and some have an extravagance that beats the Hoovooloos best.
Metropoli are rarely harmless.

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