A Conversation for Catalogues, And Their Clientelle

Pants in anticipation!!

Post 1


Welcome, trout old thing to this hotbed of depravity they call smiley - thepost. You are in good company here.

Splendid entry; are you sure it's your first time?

It has inspired me to search out some clippings I had put aside for a cheese-box with the working title of "silly sex". Here in France, they thoroughly enjoy all sorts of naughtiness, but sadly in some ways, without that sense of furtiveness & shame which adds a frisson of delight to catalogue fumbling.

One has to take refuge in sniggering at bi-lingual double-entendrés instead, such as the bra proudly advertised as "Generous" Dim.

The "true Brits" though keep their end up, by affixing the following label to a well known sweater brand; fearing for their logo being nicked, they warn that:

"Any attempt to reproduce in any form is forbidden. Action will be taken."

smiley - titter!

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri.

ps: I sincerely hope we can expect more of the same? Well, not exactly the same, someone would notice, but....smiley - silly

Pants in anticipation!!

Post 2

Trout Montague

"Pants in anticipation!!"

I've heard of "anticipating in one's pants". Ha ha.

I'd like to be in The post again ... it's like real success. You must out your linguistical stuff. Post here when it's done.


Pants in anticipation!!

Post 3


Ah, but my linguistical stuff comes squirting out in all sorts of unlikely places; definitely in the Hootoo Home of Today A1008550 , this week I have surpassed myself & also appear in book-reviewers guise, plus a collaborative venture about bad habits on the Front page....


Anyway, hows life in Bored Reign these days?


smiley - cheers

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri.

Pants in anticipation!!

Post 4

Trout Montague

Cor - a lot there. Give me time.

Bored. Indeed. Off my trolley in fact. Going ... going ... gone ... bush.


Pants in anticipation!!

Post 5


Bush mills I presume? Johnnie Walkers friend?

smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheers

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri

(at least you've got air conditioning!)

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