A Conversation for Rugby(starts next season)

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Lost & Found Rhino

Okay , I'm game
I'll pick number 2 ( where my team is at the moment in Super league )

Lost rhino

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Post 3


smiley - cool remind me at the start please

You have got ian botham`s son playing for you

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Post 4

Lost & Found Rhino

Yes , he did alright he had a fairly quiet game. Shame the rest of our team could tackle to save their lives. Cas fully deserved the win.


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Post 5


Well before any of you rib me aabout the game tonight

Yeh we lost we dont want the rhinos winging again how hard done by they aresmiley - biggrin

Can any of you explain what adamson is doing becouse he keeps throwing arms and fist`s about and should be doing some match bans by now

Tell you what the end of super league is going to be one heck of a battle what a good season this season its not decided by a long shot and looks to be going down to the last game and points

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Post 6

Lost & Found Rhino

Adamson is getting a little bit aggressive, but in my opinion (alright I'm biased) he is a better player for it. It's not really nasty/intentionally violent. It's just a case of the aggressive attitude is being taken too far.

Lets face it, we all want forwards who are fed raw meat and kept in a cage until match day. It makes for a far better spectacle.

As for the end of the season, I’m still a little worried that Wigan may pip us to second place. We really needed you to (I’m assuming you’re a Bulls fan?) to beat them. Now second place will be decided by how we do against the Saints. Not match I feel confident about. But from a neutral’s point of view this has been the best season since the inception of super league.

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Post 7


Hello yeh im a bulls fan

Well ademson did it all through the game agains the bulls

Then he had a pop at castlfords price amongst others

To be honest hes not realy that good hes a big lad granted but e
was no bother at all for the bulls defence thats why he dose it he geets frustrated about not been able to barge his way past them

If i was powel i would have told him to stop it or no contract for next season and had him siting out this on the bench including the final(if they get there)
see if that curves it

there is a rummer going around powel will be up stairs next season and they will get a new coach bet he gets sacked after that

if it was me tho probaly

poaching would stay
seinor would stay
sinfield would stay altho since a nock he is only interested in kicking thats it
That would be about it and probably swap and change the other squad around sell a few

Powel mad some big desisons at the end of last seaoson to get rid of some good players harpy who plays for us and bring a younger squad in and luck for him it is just about working becouse it could have gon pair shaped on him and been some where near the bottom

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Post 8

Lost & Found Rhino

yes Powell is going upstairs next season. The Huddersfiled coach is going to coach us for 2 seasons , then powell comes back downstairs.

I really can't see powell comes back down though.

As for Powell changing the squad around at the start of this season, most Rhinos fans couldn't really find fault with his decisions. all those he let go ( Sheridan , Hay , fleary , Pratt , St Hilare etc) were not really perfoming for the Rhinos and a change of club has done most of them good. Personally I don't rate Pratt so highly, I suspect if it wasn't for your injury crisis at half back / full back he would have spent most games on the bench rather than the starting line up.

Next season our squad will look pretty much the same as this season we've only bought Marcus Bai ( And I'm not covinced that was a good move). What will your squad be like. I'd heard rumours that you might be in trouble with the overseas players ruling.


I suspect you'll have Keith Senior in your side next season. Rumours are very strong. But why you'd want yet another strong runnign centre I'm not so sure. ( Unless it's to get rid of an overseas player ??)

are you a Bradford Lad ?. I work in Bradford but live in Shipley

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Post 9


I am smiley - smiley

prat is doing a grate job for the bulls at the moment apart from a little bit of a injury early on he was back after a couple of games

I dont know after the change they didnt get off to that much of a good start beeing half way down the table and strugling a bit but
give them there due they are better now the squad has jelled now

One player i missed as well collderwood he is fast with the ball but dont have that much skill realy

I think the squad was stronger with the players that was in before more experiance between them.But time will tell how they go this season with tough games comeing up and teams like castlford snaping at there heels they need consistancy now other wise they can make thing harder for them self`s now

The lower down the more games you
have to play then the final

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