Training Cheese.

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I have been training Cheese for over 5 years now, and I must confirm most of your training advise.
However some points could be altered slightly.

The dance is really great, I have done more or less similar, she looks proudly around. After a few rouds she jumped off my hand and dropped softly to the ground and started staggering under the couch. After half an hour creeping over the ground I caught her again. The next time she did better and returned to her cage by herself. Nowadays I take the chance to just release her and clean up the cage while she is out.

Talking Cheese would be difficult as she lives with Biscuit in one cage. They chatter the whole day. Sometimes one starts to sing a little, and I suspect Biscuit of immitating my coffee machine.

No prodding please. My Cheese is very sensitive, don't prod her please, please. Just clapping your hands or a sudden movement are enough to scare her. You can't prod Biscuit he is too fast to be prodded.

I Dont quite understand the naming part as they have names already.
I once tried a plant to decorate the cage they ate it.

Unfortunately I have some experience with a dead Cummin and Breadslice, they went ill, lying shaking on the bottom of the cage. They didn't react to me anymore. Even The Doctor could not do anything anymore, we buried them in nice cases, each decorated whith their respective colors.


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