How to use chopsticks

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Ever been at a Chinese restraunt and they gave you chopsticks and you didn't know what to do with them? Well here is a handy guide for chopstick use.

The Traditional Method

First, take the first stick and hold it between the base of your thumb and the base of your index finger tightly. Got it? Good.

Next, take the other stick and hold it with your thumb and index finger like you would a pen or pencil with the first stick still in place.

Now, move the second stick up and down with your thumb and index finger to grab the food.

Finally, put the food in your mouth. I think you can take it from here.

This is a handy skill that will surely impress all your friends.

The Cheater Method

To lazy to do all that work? Well, in that case you should use the cheater method.

For the cheater method you need a small piece of paper and a rubber band.

First, you take the rubber band and wrap it around one end of the chopsticks.

Next, roll up the piece of paper and stick it between the chopsticks so that the they form a "v" shape. You may now squeeze the chopsticks together and pick up food. This method isn't as impressive, but it gets the job done.

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