A Conversation for Evil Army of h2g2

Too small.

Post 1

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

This does not fare well at this size.


Too small.

Post 2

Post Team

Yes - sorry about that!

I left it as big as I dared without rendering it impossible for those with small screens but there was a lot of writing on it this week.

Perhaps if they were split in half widthways I could blob them separately then display them stacked on the page? That may get around the upload restriction problem...

shazz smiley - thepost

Too small.

Post 3

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

I could try that for the next one I suppose.

Too small.

Post 4

Post Team

smiley - oksmiley - smiley

shazz smiley - thepost

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