Young and Hasty Marriages

3 Conversations

A hasty marriage at a young age can easily fall apart. This is because the couple is blinded by the psychological emotion and chemical [hormone] interactions of what they think is love. Factors such as aging, knowing and understanding each other, and key decision making can destroy a young marriage. Around 50% of marriages end in divorce, many of those marriages are probably between young people and/or is a hasty affair.

For instance, the young couple can also run into obstacles when they are dealing with, after they are married, financial and other tasks. Common obstacles include things like finance and other important decisions. The fact that the partners do not have much experience can cause them to make poor decisions. These things stem from young age, which can very well be connected to inexperience and ignorance.

Yet another factor is that, because the marriage is hasty, the couple may not know each other well. One may not know the other's needs, dreams, and problems (among other things) because they both, chances are, got married before they knew each other very well. Time also plays a role in aging and maturation. As the partners age, they mature and may develop different mindsets and goals in life. Because they have changed, the husband may also not be very attracted to the wife, and vice versa.

Young Marriages in History

Many of the reasons listed above were not as valid in the time of, let's say, William Shakespeare. People lived shorter lives then, so they got married earlier. Also, there were not as many technical obstacles (taxes, who should work, etc.) back then as there are today. In those times, there were more restrictive, orthodox places for a husband and wife, and for society. A husband was supposed to work, while the wife was to stay at home and tend for the children and house.

Because of an evolving and more flexible society and longer life-spans, marriages have changed much over the years. People are now waiting until they find the right person and are ready to commit, while a few centuries ago, those two factors barely played a role. We are now, in most developed societies, at a point where most people wait until they are ready to become married.

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