I am a Nut

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I am a Nut

Not the peanut kind of thing, more like something to wind up a bold. I it do not fit then do not force it but try an other way. Giving these wonderful thoughts away, why not, for me they are the obvious. Or perhaps it has something to do with the lack of peas as they do not grow where I come from.

I am the kind of guy that stops on a busy crossing. Get honked at by other cars and just picks up the piece of scrap metal before a truck runs over it.

I am the kind of guy always ending up carrying, not only my own, garbage to drop it in the nearest litter box.

You can get me mad, just insulting me, or breaking your own rules. I probably will do my best to ignore your doings at first, trying to find an excuse for you. If you stay unaware of your misbehaviour, I will try to point it, perhaps not by saying it straight into your face.

Unlike some think, I read, I read and read until I grasped most of the content of a piece of text. Even then my conclusions can be in error. Unless specified I always assume the best to be the content, kind of like Occams raisor. If more options are available the best for everyone will remain the most likely, as this is also the most simple option.

I can be a nut in a gearbox, sorry if you see me this way, you will have to assume I merely tried to fix the thing.

Oh yes, befor I forget, I do not wear a watch. I got plenty, just to play with. I do not wear them while they get stuck behind something and hurt my arm or break. I read the sun and stars when I am outside. I always provide enough clocks when I am in. And I am always late.

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