A Conversation for The Diary Room

How do sis

Post 1


Hello it`s only me...

I thought i must be the only one that has not left a message here as yet so...I am here

Wether good
foods good
companny excerlent
beer export cheep miny bottles get`s me drunk so i don`t care

wish you was here!!!

smiley - devil..intern..smiley - angel

How do sis

Post 2

Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE


How do sis

Post 3


I don`t knowsmiley - wahI was only saying hello...

smiley - sorry i wasn`t on before my box has been down since this morning
smiley - wah

How do sis

Post 4

Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE

Hey come here I didn't mean to upset you. smiley - cuddle and smiley - kiss all better now? I do hope so

How do sis

Post 5


Happy againsmiley - biggrinsmiley - ta

smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

How do sis

Post 6

Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE

I am very pleased to see that you are happy smiley - biggrin

How do sis

Post 7


The drums have been beating again is it true one of us has walked house and happen to be loz

If so do me a favour if you will be soo kind tell here of the friends within Big Sister i have been doing so we can all keep in touch after the week is up

her home page is at U220169

The page is at A1075178

Thankyou everso much

Still haveing a blast by the way
Don`t know where every one has dissaperd to thosmiley - wah

How do sis

Post 8

Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE

Sorry I am confused I don't know what you want me to do

How do sis

Post 9


give her the link for the friends from within link so we all can keep in touch please

smiley - ta Big sis

*dirps water every where*

oo sorry been in the pool smiley - biggrin

How do sis

Post 10

Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE

Ok problem solved smiley - smiley

Now lets get back in to that pool smiley - smiley

How do sis

Post 11


smiley - ok Race you smiley - run

How do sis

Post 12

Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE

*falls over* ah I can't be bothered to get up I will just stay here and sunbathe instead smiley - smiley

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