Created | Updated May 22, 2003
The EU has decided that to protect the public from thier daily breakfast cereal (which usually has as much nutrition as cardboard) we (the ignorant public) need to be told how much nutrition we can allow into our bodies through supplementation.
Or is it more of having to buy more tablets to get a decent dose of nutrition. Thus making bigger profits for the Drug Companies, who will no doubt take over the market.
Everyone should be aware that through modern farming methods there are nearly no nutrients in the soil no how. <---- hard to say)
I think (and this is only my opinion) we should all write and tell the politicians that their phoney baloney jobs (blazing saddles) are on the line if the people who could vote them into power die of one of the multitude of degenerative diseases related to nutritional deficiency.
People are dieing because the powers that be (lobbied by the BIG corporations no doubt) have been giving (and continue to give)us waste products attractively packaged as food and the new supplement laws are just another nail in our coffin.
It seems that nothing is too bad for us to ingest <- hav i spilt that write ;)
Well what do you think dear reader? - it's your body, life, world that I am talking about.
If you are in LONDON on 15th June 2003 - arrive at Speakers Corner in Hyde Park at 11 am and take part in a march for health freedom.
It is your body, life and world - do something about it - please - i don't really want to be the only being on the planet when the time comes to leave.
I would like to wish all who have read this far - Best wishes and a healthy, prosperous life.
As Mr Spock said - Live Long and Prosper.
And as Dr Spock said - Don't Try this at Home.