Sand Castle

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It is sunny afternoon, a dry breeze whirls up the sand at your feet. In front of you is lying a heap of sand on the path. Walking toward it you see a sand-castle on top of it. The sand-castle is a little eroded on the top, but seems firm at the base. On the near side is a low fence made of silver. You walk with your fingertips on the fence to the entrance of the castle. Walking trough the gate you smell the warm air coming from below. You follow the winding stairs down, the wide side of the steps is filled so you have to walk on the inner side. Stacks of books, a box with used but unintelligible instuments blocking the wide side. Power packs of possibly all kinds stored in another box and the walls are covered with cloths. After a winding there is a curtain. You see some lights behind it.

You realise somewhere all dimensions were bend you should be under the path you just walked, at the size on an ant. As an alternative it can be the castle has blown up to human proportions.

You just now recognise the smell, it is a fresh pot of coffee. Passing the curtain you see an alley, shimmering light drops from a few doors. After a few steps you can glimpse trough the first door on the right. There is a line of light shining from a kitchen dresser. Puffing on the last drops a coffee machine has finished, there are a few cups near the machine. Sudden a buzz is produced by the machine.
A man whith a beard of more then a week enters the room. "Hi there I was awaiting you, have a c\_/ coffee, or something else, I can have you anything." He is busy pooring your drink. "Come" he says as he walks out. You take yours and follow him. He goes trough the next door on the right. On your left you see that the first door on your left leads to another alley. You enter a small room with a few seats in the middle. All around are desks most have dirty keyboards on top of undefinable pieces of plastic, note blocks, open books, all kinds of small tools. "Welcome to Neon Light Alley" he says. "Have you got some flies for me perhaps?" While rolling a cigarette he is staring at a window somewhere on a screen. You nod, while trying to figure out the signs and graphs and windows on the screen. You place your cup on the only free desk space in reach, and look around. As he lights his cigarette a sough comes from the ceiling. There is a grid probably for an air filtering system as the fume is going straigt up. The ceiling seems to be supported by wide screens, underneat the screens are all kinds of controls. Some pointing devices are lying on left over bench inbetween the devices. He smiles as he sees you investigating.

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