The hello problem ...

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There is one point which is digging in my mind the whole day and it seems to me he'll never want to leave until there's something which make him rest till the end of time ( which time is unimportant ) or be burried with some really , really important stuff . this is an cry for help in the whole wide universe without waking my neighboors in their sleep of beauty . Question is there something in reach without troubling my mind to much that I can use instead of : hello ; without forgetting it if I need it ?
example :
You walk around on the worldwide streets of some city ,we'll name her Troublemaker to have something to talk about and then there come the beautiest girl out of the neighbourhood ,don't remembering her name ,because you don't see her . you're in your mind with something with some fictional in your head that never happend in the reallity of the well struktured endings in your town .
back to the mainproblem : She walks over and say something to you which ever,its equal how much you turn it sound like " hey Desmond beautiful day . Do you want to sleep with me ? " and the only thing you can reply is :" ähhh Hello " . If that happens the day is doomed to be one of the worst thing which could happen to you and you have one reason more to think about an alternative of Hello without forgetting it, if it becomes important .

Thanks for your wits but don't break your mind by gallopping in some untroubled mindbabes in the early of daybreak . Sun to your hearts .

Marcel - Pierre

It seems to me that I've forgotten something .Will be changed if I remember what I want right in my first thought .

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