A Conversation for The Open Debating Society

Argumentative Form

Post 21

Noggin the Nog

But do you have any reasoned arguments?

The administration does know what it's doing when it feeds you these vivid mental images, and then proposes curtailments of your rights and freedoms as a cure - it's cementing its own power and privileges.


Argumentative Form

Post 22

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Well, it seems this has turned into a Shrub admin debate...alrighty, then.

The current US administration is filled with former and current oil men. This administration is tied quite firmly to Brown Root & Kellogg and Halliburton. The whole point of "stability" in the middle east is to ensure the US of abundant oil. How is that moving towards lessening dependence on fossil fuels?

Admittedly, the WTO protests in Seattle a few years back were beyond the pale. However, that does not mean that all protesters are violent or so radical as to be useless. Witness the apartheid protests back in the 1980s, which helped bring about the end of the system.

The rich in the North and West...well, Bill Gates certainly qualifies!

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