A Conversation for The Open Debating Society

The California Recall

Post 1


Is Arnold qualified?

Is this a drain on the economy?

Is this absurd?

Some numbers to get it started-

Apparently, the race is between the Lt Governor and Arnold (can't spell his last name). 72% of people in California regard Arnold's campaign seriously. Gray Davis's approval rating has slipped to an all time low of 22%

Who should win? What would happen if Arnold won?

smiley - blacksheep

The California Recall

Post 2

McKay The Disorganised

Arnold must be as qualified as Gary Coleman - who I understand is also standing. (At least Different Strokes is a better philosphy that Hasta La Vista.)

However, the concept of ability or honesty, or requirement of a politician is an intersting one. When did you think of it ?

The California Recall

Post 3


Coleman is more or less running as a joke. A radio station is paying his fee.

Don't get me wrong. Not being a politician is a good thing in some ways. Arnold is an activist and not the worst choice, I suppose.

smiley - blacksheep

The California Recall

Post 4

McKay The Disorganised

I like people who have beliefs. Ronald Reegan had beliefs. Margaret Thatcher had beliefs. Tony Benn has beliefs.

I don't agree with all their beliefs, but at least I know these people are acting within conviction of what they believe, and not to the dictates of popular opinion.

From that point of view Schwartzenegger might be an excellent candidate, but what are his beliefs ?

The California Recall

Post 5


That he'll be back.

The California Recall

Post 6

Mu Beta

I'm not hugely politically knowledgeable, so I can't comment on policies, but what has surprised me is the amount of publicity that has surrounded this recall. OK, it's not a run-of-the-mill election, and it is happening in America's barmiest state, but it has been well known for years that Arnie has political aspiration. It is also known that he is far from the dumb Austrian that he sounds like he should be.

As has already been pointed out, Ronald Reagan took the same route from acting to presidency. In this country, only in the past few decades, we have had MPs who are/were actors (Glenda Jackson), athletes (Seb Coe), newsreaders (Martin Bell), GPs (I forget his name, sorry) and lying arseholes (Jeffrey Archer). Against that lot, I don't see what America's problem is with Arnie.


The California Recall

Post 7


His beliefs? He's a democrat with acting like a Republican smiley - winkeye

Some people have expressed some surprise that the Hollywood community (Which is traditionally democratic) isn't campaigning for Gray Davis or the Lt Governor who is another front runner.

Master B said- "I don't see what America's problem is with Arnie."

There isn't, as far as I see. Personally, I'd rather have Arnold in office because-

A- He's a republican
B- I don't like California

smiley - blacksheep

The California Recall

Post 8

Mister Matty

Apparently, Governor Davis is very unpopular in California due to his mismanagement of the State. He's also supposed to be largely charisma-free.

I don't know if Schwarzenegger is capable of the job or not, he's certainly not a newcomer to politics and he's no fool, but he's not (so far as I know) held office before.

The California Recall

Post 9

Mu Beta

As I pointed out above, there's got to be a first time for everyone.


The California Recall

Post 10


Usually though, a citizen doesn't jump from nothing to governor. Most people start with lower positions, lake a state representative, state senator, etc. Governor of California is a hard job.

Arnold can barely pronounce the state's name...

smiley - blacksheep

The California Recall

Post 11

McKay The Disorganised

Whut you say Willis ??

Oh that Arnold - smiley - sorry

Reegan started off as head of the Screen Actors Guild, but as I don't recall Arnie being involved in anything at all.

Its easy to have an opinion without responsibilty - we all know how to put the world to rights - but I've not even heard of any ideas from him.

The California Recall

Post 12


Whatchutalkin'bout Willis?

The California Recall

Post 13

McKay The Disorganised

This your next entry in Peer Review smiley - blacksheep ?

smiley - musicalnote Now the world don't move to the beat of just one drum smiley - musicalnote

The California Recall

Post 14


Nah. I didn't really ever watch Diff'rent Strokes

smiley - blacksheep

The California Recall

Post 15

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

It's a little-known fact that California harbors a strong dislike of Jodan. smiley - tongueout

I'm not sure where Arnold stands politically. His best qualification, as far as I know, is his friendship with Minnesota governor (and co-star of Predator) Jesse Ventura. Ventura is a stand-up guy with convictions who I'd be proud to vote for as governor... or more.

However, I have yet to see the same sort of thing from Arnold, so until he convinces me otherwise, I'm looking carefully at Arianna Huffington.

Regarding Arnold's political savvy, though, let's not forget who California's first lady would be. Maria Shriver has the connections (Kennedy niece) and background (anchorperson for respected news show) that Arnold lacks.

The California Recall

Post 16


Good! smiley - nahnah

The California Recall

Post 17


Why on earth would anyone dislike California? smiley - huh

Having just driven the length and bredth of the place I'd have to say it's one of the most wonderful places you can be.

smiley - erm

Stesmiley - mod

The California Recall

Post 18



It's a personal grudge. smiley - cross

smiley - blacksheep

The California Recall

Post 19

Mu Beta

Sounds like jealousy to me... smiley - whistle


The California Recall

Post 20



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