Created | Updated Apr 18, 2004
Nothing is always the same, therefore nothing is a constant.
An empty collection is in its definition, containing nothing, a constant.
Nothing is not influenced over time, it does not wear or erode. Nothing as a thought does not grow or shrink by new information as it already was nothing.
Perhaps we should redefine the universe to reflect to nothing, the universe and all known things can and will change over time as part of their existance or nature.
As Sir Stephen Hawking suggested:
Imagine the universe has grown as a bubble from the void of nothing. The void of nothing is an infinite timeless nothing containing nothing. By fluctuation of energy and matter something ( universe bubbles ) arise in this void of nothing. And by definition these fluctuations are expelled from the void as they are not nothing.
Perhaps all our efforts to capture nothing in phrases are futile or something at least.
More thoughts:
He nearly gets in his conclusion that nothing is in fact a constant. The only infinite absolute constant of our existance (whether or not we do).
<./>F50717?thread=409264</.> 'Nothing is certain'