A Conversation for Bowel Cancer and Me
Day by Day
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Started conversation May 30, 2003
"He doesn't regard me as being ill, you see, but as a well person who happens to have these tumours. What a great way to look at things. Up to now I'd been thinking I was ill. Silly me."
I wonder if he'd(she'd) feel the same if it were them?
There is some value in that, but a day at a time. If & when that is too big a chunk, an hour at a time.
I live an hour at a time most days.
Everyone wants to be themselves with an illness,not the illness.
Good Luck in the many decisions you will face.
Be yourselfwhom ever that is any given hour.
I find taking life an hour at time,I rarely have a bad day!
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