A Conversation for Directly From the Mother Ship

Right on dude!

Post 1

Post Team

Nice vibes from this piece. smiley - smiley

shazz smiley - thepost

Right on dude!

Post 2


Whats this ?? Vogon poetry corner or something? Well, it was Ok apart from that reference to Marvin.Outrageous.

Avoid Marvin! He is a hero, a saviour of the crew and a perfectly good drinking chum. Look what he did to those space cops and don't forget his heroic deeds on the bridge saving Zaphod. I think Paranoid is a little over the top, OK he gets a little depressed now and again, oh yeah and has trouble with lifts and doors but really he is very, very clever and a very nice android.

Right on dude!

Post 3

Post Team

Hello A smiley - smiley

This isn't quite the Vogon Poetry corner as we already have one of those. This is the 'hip hop' version. smiley - ok

shazz smiley - thepost

Right on dude!

Post 4


Errr... Hip Hop?

Right on dude!

Post 5


Ah , OK looked it up - silly dancing and graffiti on trains etc.

Marvin would be not be comfortable with the association... I'll talk to him about it.

Right on dude!

Post 6

Post Team

smiley - laugh

shazz smiley - thepost

Right on dude!

Post 7


smiley - ermsmiley - cheers!

Right on dude!

Post 8

Post Team

Nice to meet you anyway A - I see that you have only recently joined us smiley - smiley

shazz smiley - thepost

Right on dude!

Post 9


Dear Shazz,

Right, thank you. I am still exploring the deepest darkest corners of the H2G2 thingy. Good fun. Nice publication. Batteries are on their last electron so gotta go - lost my adapter somewhere.


Right on dude!

Post 10

Post Team

Indeed smiley - smiley

Working batteries are essential if you don't want to get lost without a torch in the many corridors which make up h2g2 smiley - smiley

Good luck with your exploration!

shazz smiley - thepost

Right on dude!

Post 11


Right - adapter found, batteries charged and I am off exploring.

Marvin is still unhappy but a couple of Pan Galactic Gargleblasters laced with WD 40 last night helped.smiley - cheers

Right on dude!

Post 12

Post Team

Good to hear Marvin has been well-lubricated smiley - cheers

Let me know if you find anything interesting out there! smiley - ok

shazz smiley - thepost

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