njan and nyssita's virtual wedding guestbook

6 Conversations


to all of the wonderful people who have.. well.. been so wonderful to both of us. smiley - The blow is a list of dear fools who've expressed their consent to have their names attached to a congratulatory entry of sorts, or generally posted congratulatory messages in our forums (of late): our wedding guestlist, for all of those who'd like to be present but are only able to do so virtually. If you're silly enough to want to join them, feel free to post to the forums below, or if you've been sent here.. feel free to do likewise. smiley -

Thankyou to all of you for helping us to be able to be together! We love each other, and.. we love you all too! smiley -

the list

As far as I'm aware, the below persons (in no particular order) have consented to have their names listed here. But don't blame me if I'm getting things mixed up. I'm planning a wedding, after all. smiley -

smiley -

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