A Conversation for How to Train Cheese


Post 1

Researcher 251042

my cheese was verrrrryyyyy sick it was groing green stuff on it and smellt really bad but then my mum disposed of it. thats a great entry i realy enjoyed reading it. are there any other foods i can train?!


Post 2

Bob McBob

Only as much as you can train a train.


Post 3

uLtR@s0n!c bI$oN

true. however I hear trains are partial to the merest smidgeon of avacado on alternernating Tuesdays. Maybe with a little bit of encouragement they could talk???


Post 4

Bob McBob

Yes. They've got more potential and are more sensitive on Dontbury, after the hectic schedule of the average Dobury. But feel free to use the old alternate-wimpy-avacado-softening trick if you want.

smiley - cake


Post 5

uLtR@s0n!c bI$oN

Yes I shall take the wimpy way out thankyou very much!

Interestingly, I have been reliably informed that small globules of toothpaste may be trained by using them as window putty. This takes many years and also lots of glass as toothpaste is not strong enough to actually keep the window in place. This is why trained toothpaste tubes are so very very rare.
Anyhing else trainable? Certainly not my hair, for one thing!


Post 6

Bob McBob

I tried training some smiley - choc but I didn't get very far! smiley - drool

smiley - cake

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