A Conversation for The h2g2 Monty Python Fan (Pythonist) Society

The Shrubbery Hunt

Post 41

AK - fancy that!


The Shrubbery Hunt

Post 42

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

smiley - laugh

The Shrubbery Hunt

Post 43


smiley - erm

The Shrubbery Hunt

Post 44

AK - fancy that!

The Shrubbery Hunt

Post 45


smiley - erm

The Shrubbery Hunt

Post 46

AK - fancy that!

its a clue.

The Shrubbery Hunt

Post 47


I'm sorry, I've been away for a couple of days...where were we?

The Shrubbery Hunt

Post 48

AK - fancy that!

we were trying to decipher my insanely hard, confusing, and misleading cluesmiley - evilgrin

The Shrubbery Hunt

Post 49

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

Can you just reduce it some more? Please?

It's hard and everything I can think of doesn't work and now I have to go to a Halloween Party I'm supposedly helping organise so I should probably get there soon....


The Shrubbery Hunt

Post 50

AK - fancy that!

with mister big hundred kay-man

The Shrubbery Hunt

Post 51

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

Are we still looking for the same clue without the Fred Ned Ted Ked Ged Hed Led Yed Ped bit?


The Shrubbery Hunt

Post 52


retype the whole thing a bit simpler.

The Shrubbery Hunt

Post 53

AK - fancy that!

I did:

with mister big hundred kay-man

The Shrubbery Hunt

Post 54


smiley - huh

The Shrubbery Hunt

Post 55

AK - fancy that!

this clue is very bewildering.. and cheesy... to make it like 100 times harder than the last... its more of a joke clue...

The Shrubbery Hunt

Post 56



The Shrubbery Hunt

Post 57

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

THis is really annoying me. I even tried Golf and 4-round-golf and Hundred golf and all kinds of stuff. I'm gonna go try again...

AK (was it you who put it up?) {If not, whoever} you did put a Congratulations... thread at the bottom of the page we're sposed to find, right?


The Shrubbery Hunt

Post 58

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

YAY!!!!!! i found it!!!!!!


I *knew* I was searching for the right thing!!

Cool, can I hide one now? I baggsd hiding it before and now I found this one too (Is Bluebottle even playing? Are they even a member of the society? Oh well, who cares) ... so I'm gonna hide one even if someone else says no smiley - tongueout


The Shrubbery Hunt

Post 59

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

P.S. don't ask why I was trying things to do with Golf, I got sick of trying everything else and I was tired at the time. smiley - tongueout I found it!!


The Shrubbery Hunt

Post 60

AK - fancy that!

aye, you found it, hide your own now...

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