"The Candle Of Doubt"

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The Candle Of Doubt

Into every strife,

a little train of thought must run,

often late and often


struggling "I think I can"

up hill through the snows of inconsideratenessedness.

But a bit of brain power,

gathered through the hours of bill-paying,

and bill-hiding,

provides the tallow and the wick,

if you're thinking quick,

for the Candle Of Doubt,

which dispells the adverts of TRUTH,

sends running the Goths of MAYBE,

and allows the priests and Goddesses


to practice their art with grace.

Light the Candle rarely,

but judiciously,

light the Candle slowly,

but with timely need,

and light the Candle

to illuminate

what others really don't want you to see.

Craft your own Candle,

carry it with care,

and use it, sometimes,

when other's claim to share theirs.

For anyone can lie and make their Candle

without thinking about it,
a ME-TOO Candle...

and those can KILL!

5/8/03 7:03 AM

(tonsil revenge)

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