A Conversation for The Boars Head

The Gent's Toilet

Post 1

Researcher 224352

Welcome to the gent's toilet smiley - smiley

For your comfort, These Toilets are checked every hour,


The Gent's Toilet

Post 2

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

Yep these all seem to be working fine. Oh smiley - bleep more smiley - bleep hidden cameras, Malo what are you tring to do to me?
Well thats the last of them out, what this, a calling card, If you want " i cant read this" smiley - grr i think i might just stick on the wazzed on drunken bum in the cellar smiley - biggrin
No more to be done in here, i better get back to the bar BNsmiley - blue.

The Gent's Toilet

Post 3

Researcher 224352

well blue. glad your familierizing yourself with the boars head, i trust i can leave you to do the day today running of the place? oh n we need cleaners for the bogs, the vampsmiley - bleep is in need of a job so see if she wants it, i know tolet cleaners a bit up market for her but everyone including her needs the chance to better themselfssmiley - run laters bluesmiley - run
smiley - rainbow

The Gent's Toilet

Post 4

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

To be honest i already had the smiley - vampire lined up to be the door person, i mean come on, one smell of her badly fed breath and no more trouble, and if there is, i'm sure that she could always bite them, or even drop her smiley - bat at them smiley - laugh.
Thanks for stopping by though, i'm sure i can handle most things, so i should be ok, there's a smiley - ale waiting for you in the bar, drink it now whilst it's at its peak smiley - winkeye.
So what did you think of the jukebox i got then? have you had a go on it yet?
Regards BNsmiley - blue.

The Gent's Toilet

Post 5

Researcher 224352

nah smiley - vampiresmiley - bleep will be no good at the door she will scare ppl away n thats not good for bussiness is it?smiley - laugh no i think will have to find someone else. yeah dukebox is fab love the 50's style dukeboxessmiley - biggrin played robbie williams on it before but needs more robbie tracks speacily for tiffany blue, she cant get enough of the guy<smiley - laugh anyway had my smiley - ale your doing a great job so far so will be dropping by less n less nowsmiley - biggrin
got to smiley - run laters blue

smiley - rainbow

The Gent's Toilet

Post 6

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

What's this more robbie tracks needed, ive already put three albums insmiley - cool.
Oh well i shall not mention to tiffany blue that you really look like Tim Curry from behind.

smiley - ale for you and catch you later BNsmiley - blue.

The Gent's Toilet

Post 7

Researcher 224352

dont tell her that shes a great fan of his she will only stalk me hmmmmm never been stalked oh go on then tell her i look like tim curry from behind then lmao theres 2 more albums of the robster to be put in so come on blue chop chop lol n whats happened to the streeker?? if you cant find her ask tiff if she wants to work the function room i think the toots is on sick leave lol

smiley - rainbow

The Gent's Toilet

Post 8

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

Hic smiley - drunk er dont mind me hic. oooh i knew i shouldn't have put them smiley - stiffdrink in my smiley - ale.
I think i shall go and stagger to the bar and have a sleep on the counter smiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - footprints.... sounds like a good idea to mesmiley - weird

AAARRRGGGHHH what the smiley - bleep was that, damned smiley - cat, hows that get down here?
BNsmiley - blue.

The Gent's Toilet

Post 9

Researcher 224352

there goes my profit margine smiley - grr OI blue... watch the smiley - cat your squash itsmiley - grr

hop you have smiley - hangover tomoz n feel really smiley - ill cos your not going home sick your still gonna work!

smiley - rainbow

The Gent's Toilet

Post 10

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - headhurts oooooh delicate, dont worry about me, i'll be ok just need a quick smiley - stiffdrink, thats better, hi Malo, smiley - ale for you sir, and hey relax, afterall me have a sicky - it just dont happensmiley - smiley
(smiley - winkeyetyres secretly let down on limousine, ha hasmiley - cool)

See you in the bar later, regards BNsmiley - blue.

The Gent's Toilet

Post 11


scus me,,,,,,comeing though smiley - run

manda smiley - peacedove

The Gent's Toilet

Post 12

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - run Hi Manda, dont forget this smiley - ale its the least i can do. Have fun BNsmiley - blue.

The Gent's Toilet

Post 13


thanks for smiley - alesmiley - smiley

everything look clean in here, I will have a look at the bar next smiley - smiley

I have put the Boars head on my page , and I will put a link to it in my intro to the newbies smiley - winkeye

manda smiley - peacedove

The Gent's Toilet

Post 14

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smileyWell thank you once again, smiley - ale for you.

Regards BNsmiley - blue.

The Gent's Toilet

Post 15

Researcher 224352

hiya manda, hows you? long time now seesmiley - smiley how do you think the boars heads shaping up? think i made a mistake hiring mrsmiley - blue bottle he does nothing but scive n drink the celler drysmiley - sadface
n the chek i have to endure wen he's smiley - drunk is unbalievablesmiley - sadface i think i'll have to give him his p45 if he dont shape up lol,

hey blue hows the HEAD lol. you seen any kids hanging round my limo? the tyers have been removedsmiley - sadface blody kids smiley - grr

well i'll be off now must smiley - run shops wil be closed son i got a deal for some out of date peanuts, great thing to have on the bar makes them drink that lil bit more
smiley - rainbow

The Gent's Toilet

Post 16

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, oooh that feels better, how relieving that was.

Oh hi ya smiley - pumpkinhead, hey i dont want any out of date peanuts, this is a respectable place and i dont want it brought down to its knees, all because of a quick little scam, thank you!

No Malo i havent seen anyone messing about with the limousine, mind you i could probably put you in touch with someone who can sort out a decent deal for replacement tyres for you.smiley - biggrin

Oh someone needs serving again, catch you later guys BNsmiley - blue.

The Gent's Toilet

Post 17

Researcher 224352

bluebottle...some ones been in the bar not getting served, thanx to mr mands comeing along they was servedsmiley - grr not running the place very well are you smiley - boing
will have to keep you out of the ladies rest room some how smiley - smiley
well get your guy to sort me some new wheels for me limo will ya i'll just put out a few peanut dishes out on the bar
smiley - run
smiley - rainbow

The Gent's Toilet

Post 18

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

HEY smiley - pumpkinhead, ive told you about them dodgy peanuts (throws them to the smiley - cat), if i see any more of them, i shall force feed them to you, and you will be smiley - bleeping out topics for a week.smiley - biggrin.

Anyhoo ive just had the inland revenue on the phone wanting to speak to a Mr Malo, something to do with tax returns, so i told them that you had left the country, never to return, so they said a warrant for arrest would be issued within fourty eight hours, its up to you what you do now.smiley - bigeyessmiley - laughsmiley - magic.

The only person i havent served is that bloke that was wazzing on you in the cellar, as i thought he was an undesirable, but if you want i'll let him back in.

Regards BNsmiley - blue.

The Gent's Toilet

Post 19


CHECKED EVERY HOUR??? HA thats a laugh, been no-one in here for weeks......smiley - yuk AND IT SMELLS TERRIBLE smiley - yuksmiley - ill
and before you get any ideas, i'm NOT cleaning it either smiley - yikes >>>>>>>>smiley - run

The Gent's Toilet

Post 20

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smiley well if you didnt come in here to clean the place, then can i ask just why you are in here then Jensmiley - erm or is it ken again in which case i may overlook the fact.

Mind you as you are here, you may as well have a good clean up, go on and i will put a little extra in your pay pack tomorrowsmiley - 2centsoh the sounds of lovely money

Regards BNsmiley - blue.xxx

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The Gent's Toilet

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