Types of Randomness

5 Conversations

There are six main types of randomness:







Firstly we will look at Mathematical. Mathematical is basically probability and things like whether a photon goes up or down in a beam splitter. This all evens out, which is lucky as there is a high chance that we wouldn't be here if it didn't (or we would all turn into gophers at the age of 16).


The footnote type is where people are very disjointed when they talk. It is called footnote as they need a set of footnotes so you can understand them. They are totally incomprehensible1 (unknown whether they can understand each other).


Spontaneuity, well... ...Oooh look at that. This is a classic case of ahh Green Hippos spontaneuity. These people are very like Pikka birds. They get distracted by anything except the paranormal. They will suddenly talk about something they see and then often have no record of what they said.


People who fall into the Subject type ALWAYS talk about one thing. In one persons case is it Milk and Gophers(don't ask!!!). They sometimes talk about other things but it is usually possible to link it to the subject. If it doesn't link ask them and they should be able to explain how it is linked.


Apparently philosophical type is caused by a state of extreme randomness and omnipotentness (or omnirandomness). They always talk of oblivion which is a side effect of omnirandomness.


Anyone in the outburst type randomly shouts out BAA or other odd noises. The only possible explaination is that they don't know how to say anything else. Sometimes they actually make sense but this is very rare so they are often uninteligible. They can probably understand each other but it is hard to tell.
Man in a hat that's got the word 'mad' emblazoned on it.
To calculate randomness visit The Book of Randomness.
The Soup Bar
1This is what you need to understand them22A Footnote!!! (or very many in some cases)

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