The Soup Bar

1 Conversation


Welcome to the soup bar, as you look around you see people sipping soup out of many different shaped galsses and bowls.

The soup bar is a place to meet up with other random-minded people over a cup/bowl of soup (or any dairy produce).

smiley - martiansmileMartian Soup - A blue soup with canabalistic side-effents.
smiley - teaCup-a-soup - Cups of soup in many flavours.
smiley - milkMilk - Just one of the dairy products served here.

If you wish to join the Soup Bar send your nickname and which beverage you wish to have to me.

For more about randomness visit The Book of Randomness

Remember to visit Cambodia and capture three Pseudo Gophers. Soon I will hook up the back door to my virtual Cambodia but it is not finished yet.

Soup Bar Members:
Martiansoupsmiley - martiansmile
Pseudo-Gophersmiley - milk

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