Odd news for Odd news fans: Chapter Two

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More noise for those who might otherwise have trouble reading the crawl under most popular news programs.

A new news reader is being tested out. Postcards to the station will be cheerfully counted and then ignored in order to form an impression of just how useless this whole enterprise is.

In a wholly unnecessary in-joke reference, she is wearing a red shirt.

Hello and good morning to some of you in other parts of the world.

A leading researcher in Wales has almost died...

Three lorries and a Vespa almost collided during a chemical spill in the lower hills of...

In entertainment news, a young girl has won the Norwegian Singing Ice Skating Waitress award for the third...

A small bomb was discovered hidden in a petticoat in a museum in Wales. Apparently it had been there since...

British Petroleum is test-tasting a new grade of recreational crude by-product in the tiny hamlet of...

...while the color is considered excellent, the effect on local night spots and dancing competitions is considered to be less than planned.

On a lighter note, the new organ at the Emmanuel Reformed Chapel in Deerhaul, has developed a leak and the F# will not be heard during the upcoming wedding of esteemed Sign Painter...

A Podiatrist in Burma has found a significant increase in...

... small patches of hail dosed with unknown quantities of Strontium 90 have increased the PPM levels of certain birdbaths in the Royal Gardens and the Police are investigating a known cloud-seeder that they have kept a close eye on for years.

In a surprise move, the once up-and-coming Celtic Rock band, St. Brendan's Dog, have announced that they got together for a secret concert last week, thus reuniting for the first time since their drummer...

...the balloon was scheduled to pass through a small pass in the Himalayas on Saturday, but debris from the last stop-over has been discovered near a shrine in Burma. Local authorities say they will investigate as soon as the monsoon season is over. Informed that they monsoon season is four months away, they stuck to their story and threatened the reporter with a saturated and flaming...

We would like to take this opportunity at this time to inform you that the WHO has issued a warning.

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