To each, his own.: A sociological examination of the role of the T-shirt in modern clergy dress codes.

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Welcome. Please take your assigned seats and make sure that you have a sharpened pencil and a blunt sense of humor.

So, these three nuns and a pregnant kangaroo rollerskate into a pub...

But, seriously, folks!

Have you ever considered the comfort of your clergy?

Have you ever checked that their shoes are the right size and relatively modern?

Have you ever enquired about your clergy's underthings?

Procured, perhaps, a gift certificate at a department store?

Read a book, maybe?

Like Ian McIan's groundbreaking scientifical mystery story tome "To each, his own.: A sociological examination of the role of the T-shirt in modern clergy dress codes"?

This is such a revetting account of the diligent researches of an injured mind down a path that few would have ventured without plentiful medication and a large insurance settlement.

The cover is particularly nice, in three colors, some of my favorite. The sepia tone photo of a "wife-beater" style garment is particularly interesting, since the book barely touches upon the odd uselessness of a celibate person wearing a garment designed for...

The Marlon Brando touches are kinda cute, too, but I like the reference about Montgomery Clift in "Gidget Goes To Seminary".

I have never met Ian McIan, but I would like to have his baby, based on the DNA I had lifted from my autographed reviewer's copy of his book.

There is a nice little recessive sport feature in the 173rd from the left band that only appears in people with an intolerance for Mongolian Yak Milk.

What a designer touche.

Give me a call, honey. I might even wear a t-shirt with your favorite band logo on it...

You do still like Little Jack Melody and His Young Turks, don't you?

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